Analysis of Current Situation and Influencing Factors of Medical College Undergraduates Participating in Scientific Research


  • Xin Yang The First Clinical Medical College of Guangdong Medical University, Zhanjiang 524023, China
  • Manlin Fang The First Clinical Medical College of Guangdong Medical University, Zhanjiang 524023, China
  • Zixing Wang The First Clinical Medical College of Guangdong Medical University, Zhanjiang 524023, China
  • Xiangting Wang Women and Children's Medical College of Guangdong Medical University, Zhanjiang 524023, China
  • Siqi Zhou The First Clinical Medical College of Guangdong Medical University, Zhanjiang 524023, China
  • Yaxuan Qiu The First Clinical Medical College of Guangdong Medical University, Zhanjiang 524023, China
  • Siyuan Gan Department of Pathology, Guangdong Medical University, Zhanjiang 524023, China
  • Xiaomin Chen Department of Thyroid and Breast Vascular Surgery, The Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical University, Zhanjiang 524023, China
  • Changwei Zheng Department of Thyroid and Breast Vascular Surgery, The Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical University, Zhanjiang 524023, China



Medical students, Scientific research, Influencing factors


Objective: To clarify the current situation and influencing factors of medical undergraduates participating in scientific research. Methods: Taking the undergraduate students from Zhanjiang Campus of Guangdong Medical University as the research objects, and using the Questionnaire Star Network survey platform as the carrier, the questionnaire was released to investigate and analyze the current situation and influencing factors of medical students participating in scientific research. Results: The male students were more interested in scientific research than the female students (P<0.05), and male students' self-evaluation of scientific research was more rewarding than female students (P<0.05). Major and grade had no significant effects on students' interest in scientific research, research harvest and time allocated to scientific research (P>0.05). There is a positive correlation between school policy and students' research achievements. There is a positive correlation between students' interest in scientific research and their harvest. There was also a positive correlation between students' interest in scientific research and their recognition of school policies (P<0.05). Conclusion: Gender is an important factor affecting medical students' interest in scientific research and recognition of their participation in scientific research. The interest of medical students in scientific research, the policy of supporting medical students to participate in scientific research and the harvest of medical students' participation in scientific research have significant positive effects on each other.


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How to Cite

Yang, X., Fang, M., Wang, Z., Wang, X., Zhou, S., Qiu, Y., … Zheng, C. (2024). Analysis of Current Situation and Influencing Factors of Medical College Undergraduates Participating in Scientific Research. Journal of Educational Research and Policies, 6(6), 30–35.