Junior High School Written Work Fluent and Accurate


  • Nagaraja Manupreet Kaur




written language proficiency, junior high school students, writing challenges, fluency and accuracy, writing improvement program


The present study determined the written language performance of junior high school students at Bulan National High School S. Y.2023 - 2024. The study utilized a mixed methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative methods to assess the students' written language proficiency. Quantitative data were collected using rubrics to evaluate fluency and accuracy, while qualitative data were obtained through content analysis of the students' essays. The findings revealed that the students' performance in terms of fluency and accuracy varied, with areas of improvement identified in both aspects. Difficulties encountered by the participants included challenges in maintaining coherence and organization in their writing, as well as issues related to spelling accuracy and punctuation and capitalization usage. Based on the findings, an action plan titled "Enhancing Written Language Skills Program" was proposed to address these challenges and improve the students' writing abilities. The study's conclusions indicated that while the average performance level of the junior high school students in terms of fluency and accuracy met the set standards, there were variations in individual performance levels. The participants faced difficulties in fluency and accuracy, including challenges related to content fluency, organization of ideas, spelling accuracy, and proper punctuation and capitalization usage. To address these challenges, the study recommended differentiated instruction, explicit instruction on effective writing components, targeted practice activities, self - editing and revision strategies, a comprehensive curriculum integrating explicit instruction and authentic writing tasks, professional development for teachers, formative assessments for progress monitoring, fostering a supportive writing environment, and utilizing technology resources. In addition to the recommendations from the study, further research was recommended to investigate the effectiveness of different instructional strategies in improving students' writing skills. This research could compare explicit instruction with other approaches, such as inquiry - based learning or project - based learning, to determine their impact on fluency, coherence, accuracy, and organization. Conducting such research would provide valuable insights and evidence - based recommendations for educators to enhance their instructional practices and support students' development in writing with fluency and accuracy.


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How to Cite

Kaur, N. M. (2024). Junior High School Written Work Fluent and Accurate . Journal of Educational Research and Policies, 6(9), 99–104. https://doi.org/10.53469/jerp.2024.06(09).20