The Protagonist's Exploration of Inner Space in Deshpande's Novel "Time Issue"


  • Suraj Kumar Government College, Solan
  • Kukku Youseff Government College, Solan



inner space, actualisation of the self, moving on


This paper seeks to work out the notion of 'inner space' followed by a brief discussion of the concept of 'self as its natural corollary. It shows how despite all odds, Shashi Deshpande's female protagonists constantly search for inner space. The way they resist and question their family situations characterized by gender discrimination, and male domination, and negotiate the socio-cultural and patriarchal setup, will be a special point of focus. The extent to which the protagonists succeed in procuring individual space for themselves will be ascertained on the basis of available textual evidence. An attempt will also be made to lucidly work out the stages of growth on the part of the protagonists in the process of their search for inner space (i.e. actualization of the self), which is completely infringed by patriarchal dictates and culturally prescriptive code evolved especially to tame, exploit, subdue and dominate women.


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How to Cite

Kumar, S., & Youseff, K. (2024). The Protagonist’s Exploration of Inner Space in Deshpande’s Novel "Time Issue" . Journal of Educational Research and Policies, 6(9), 25–29.