Synthesis and Characterization of Cobalt-Doped Zno Nanoparticles with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity


  • Jacob Odero Research Scholar, Govt Narmada College, Narmadapuram
  • Melvine Lilechi Supervisor, Professor and Head, Department of Chemistry) Govt Narmada College, Narmadapuram
  • Samuel Nyanchoga Co – Supervisor, Professor and Head, Department of Chemistry) Govt Homescience P. G. College Narmadapuram Govt. Narmada College, Narmadapuram



cobalt - doped ZnO nanoparticles, photocatalysis, nanomaterials, synthesis, characterization, enhanced activity


XRD, TEM and SEM studies were used to evaluate sol - gel - synthesized cobalt - doped zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles. The structural analysis showed that cobalt was successfully incorporated into the ZnO lattice, changing XRD signals. Undoped and doped ZnO nanostructures were identified by SEM. Synthesised nanoparticles were examined for optical characteristics, particle size, and form. The enhanced photocatalytic activity of the Co doped ZnO nanoparticles highlights their potential for various environmental applications wastewater treatment, air purification, CO2 conversion. This research contributes to the development of sustainable solutions for environmental challenges like water pollution, greenhouse gas emissions. The work emphasises cobalt doping for photocatalytic functionality and sustainability. It illuminates the production, characterization, and improved performance of cobalt - doped ZnO nanoparticles.


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How to Cite

Odero, J., Lilechi, M., & Nyanchoga, S. (2024). Synthesis and Characterization of Cobalt-Doped Zno Nanoparticles with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity. Journal of Educational Research and Policies, 6(8), 46–49.