The Conceptualization of Language Assessment Literacy by Pre-service EFL Teachers in China


  • Juanjuan Geng Foreign Language Colleges, Xianyang Normal University, Xianyang, China



Language assessment literacy, Pre-service teachers, Conceptualization


The conceptualization of language assessment literacy (LAL) has been widely discussed from the perspectives of researchers and in-service teachers. However, the long-neglected group, the pre-service English a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers, have been seldomly explored. Thus, in order to shed light on a more comprehensive picture of LAL, the present study purposively sampled six participants from a Normal University in China. A semi-structured interview was conducted and then it was transcribed and analyzed thematically. The findings revealed that 1) they tended to conceptualize it as an eight-dimensional: Discipline-related competence, person-related competence, and assessment-related competence. 2)They attached considerable importance to disciplinary competence and practical implementation of assessment methods while they tended to give scarce attention to pedagogical content knowledge and the potential influence of assessment. 3) LAL was dependent on the social cultural context. 4) Each participant’s spider diagram of LAL conceptualization was unique and different from others.


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How to Cite

Geng, J. (2024). The Conceptualization of Language Assessment Literacy by Pre-service EFL Teachers in China. Journal of Educational Research and Policies, 6(7), 136–145.