Research on the Integration of Industry and Education in Higher Vocational Education


  • Jingwen Shao School of Politics and Public Administration, Qinghai Minzu University, Xining, Qinghai, China



Higher vocational colleges, Integration of industry and education, Interest subject, Game


The game between the interest subjects of the integration of industry and education in higher vocational colleges refers to the process that the interest subjects contribute to their own behavior according to their own information and ability cognition under certain institutional conditions. The problems in the game of "upgrading", deviation of the government; the problems of dislocation, free riding game and "being idealized"; the lack of function, bad competition and monopoly. Based on this, we should be students-oriented, improve the student interests protection system; pay attention to the actual needs, explore diversified integration of industry and education; optimize the multiple governance path, better play the function of industry organization.


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How to Cite

Shao, J. (2024). Research on the Integration of Industry and Education in Higher Vocational Education. Journal of Educational Research and Policies, 6(7), 46–53.