Effects of Core Strength Training on Dynamic Balance and Agility in Recreational Soccer Players
Football, Agility, Dynamic balance, Modified agility T test, Dynamic leap balance testAbstract
Background: There are significant improvements in agility when an 4-weeks four days a week Core strength Exercise program is implemented to the football players' regular training program. The core strength exercise help to improve the dynamic balance and muscle coordination between lower and upper extremities, as well as reducing injury risk and muscle imbalances. Thus, the purpose of this study was to invigilate the effect of core strength exercise on dynamic balance and agility in football players Aim: Effectiveness of Core strength exercise on dynamic balance and agility in recreational football players Methods: The study included 30 recreational football players from SRM University who fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The 4 weeks of Core strength training were performed on agility sand dynamic balance by using Modified Agility T test and Dynamic Leap Balance Test (DLBT). Results: The Core Strengthening exercise resulted in significant gains in directions of DLBT and Modified T- test in recreational football players especially in experimental group as compared to control group. Conclusion: On the basis of the result and findings the researcher concluded that the four weeks of Core strength exercises program was effective in increasing in agility and dynamic balance in football players.
Football is the most popular sport worldwide Article in The American Journal of Sports Medicine · January 2004 DOI: 10.1177/0363546503262283 · Source: PubMed
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