The Habits of Students Watching English Movies and Their Vocabulary Ability
habit, English movie, vocabulary, vocabulary competence, correlationAbstract
Watching English movie is repeatedly done to enrich students’ knowledge especially vocabulary. Vocabulary competence is an individual’s great skill in using words of a language. This study aimed to find out whether there is correlation between students’ habit in watching English movies and the vocabulary competence. This study used quantitative research techniques, especially correlation study design. When selecting respondents, researchers used simple random sampling. The respondents to the survey are Grade-10 students who were officially enrolled during the academic year 2022- 2023 in Mindanao State University- Buug Campus, Laboratory Junior High School at Datu Panas, Buug, Zamboanga Sibugay. These are the following questions which need to be answered in this study (1) What is the extent of students ‘habit in watching English movies? (2) What is the level of the vocabulary competence of the students? (3) Is there any significant correlation between students’ habit in watching English movies and vocabulary competence?. Based on the findings, students’ habit in watching English movies was highly habituated with a general weighted mean of 2.99. This study also revealed that the level of the vocabulary competence of the students is 5.84 which is described as poor. In addition, two variables, students’ habit in watching English movies and the student’s vocabulary competence, both recorded a P-value of .089951. This is greater than the significance level of 0.05. Thus leads the researchers to accept the null hypothesis. Therefore, there is no significant correlation between habituation level of students on watching English movies and their vocabulary competence. This further explains that watching English movies does not necessarily redound in building the vocabulary competence of the students.
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