Analysis of the Impact of Principal's Service Oriented Leadership on Teacher's Organizational Support and Job Satisfaction


  • Trinh Thi Ut Vice Principal, Zilukha Middle Secondary School, Thimphu



leadership, job satisfaction, organization, commitment


In an effort to gain deeper insights into the level of commitment among teachers within an organization, this study focused on the role of job satisfaction as a mediating factor in the relationship between teachers' organizational commitment and different leadership styles: transformational, transactional, and passive-avoidant. The research involved 160 school teachers and twenty principals in schools under Thimphu Thromde, and a comprehensive analysis was conducted, which revealed partial mediation in the context of the negative correlation between the passive-avoidant leadership style and teachers' commitment to their organization. The findings of the study highlighted a significant connection between transformational leadership and organizational commitment, with job satisfaction acting as a mediator. Essentially, teachers who reported higher job satisfaction were more likely to demonstrate stronger commitment to their school, primarily due to the presence of transformational leadership. Similarly, in the case of transactional leadership, job satisfaction emerged as a full mediator between this leadership style and teachers' organizational commitment. This suggests that teachers who are highly satisfied with their job attribute their commitment to the organization to transactional leadership. Overall, this research contributes valuable knowledge regarding the impact of leadership styles on teachers' organizational commitments, with job satisfaction serving as an intermediary factor. It underscores the importance of higher education in reshaping the mindsets of pre-service teachers and future school principals, encouraging them to exhibit transformational and transactional leadership qualities. Therefore, leadership development and training during tertiary education play a crucial role in enhancing teachers' job satisfaction and commitment, ultimately benefiting the educational environment.


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How to Cite

Ut, T. T. (2024). Analysis of the Impact of Principal’s Service Oriented Leadership on Teacher’s Organizational Support and Job Satisfaction. Journal of Educational Research and Policies, 6(11), 130–137.